Frequently Asked Question
Why choose us?
When we design something, we consider every element, thinking about how we would react to it, how imagery is used, and the way it is being communicated. Do we love it? Will other people love it? We like to inject something a little bit different each time that keeps our work interesting and captivating
Do I have to buy Premium Theme & Premium Plugin?
Yes, You have to buy it. But we will assist you with the purchase. If you want we can make your website with a free theme or plugin which will look exactly like that premium theme or plugin. And the current free theme and plugin are very fast and secure. So there is no reason to worry. Currently most of the premium themes you can use on a single website using their license so if you want to use a premium theme or plugins you have to purchase.
How long will it take to deliver the project?
It's depends on the type of service.
However, on average, almost all services require 3-7 days.
Note that the project development period will be considered after the client has provided all the required information.
You must provide the information within a maximum of 2-5 days after ordering the service. Based on that information our engineers will start the development work.
If you fail to provide information within the specified time. In that case the project will be developed by sample content / information. Which the client can change at any time later by its content / information.
Or with the help of our engineers (within a maximum of 3 months of transfer).
Example :
Logo : 2-5 hours almost
Website : 3 - 7 days
Domain and hosting: 24 hours
What information need to submit when creating a website?
1. Domain name
2. Hosting Login info . If you install wordpress or other CMS or Shopify you can give the login info.
3. Logo if you have .If you want you can buy our logo design service.just draw your logo and give us . we will give you a best logo
4.About your business or website
5. Pages/Categories Name
6.If eCommerce website :
Product info with product images and how many products do you want to add in your website?
6. Example Website if you have.
8. Address, Gmail/Email,Phone Number
9.All Images if you don't have any images we can add copyright free demo images
Note: If any part of the content is not ready, that part of the website will be filled with sample content. Which can be changed by the original content at any time later.
What will be the workflow of the project?
First, you need to contact us via contact form or by mail, or via WhatsApp.Moreover, you can also communicate through Facebook. If you want to work in the freelance marketplace, you can do that with us.
The steps of project development are as follows :
1. Submit all the details and requirements of the project. like
a. Logo
b. Images
c. About your business
d. Example Werbsite
e. Domain/Website Name
f. Hosting/WordPress/Shopify/Wix etc Login info
g. All Text content
h. Colors
i. Pages/Categories Name
2. Project work will be started on the basis of information
3. When the project is complete the client will be submitted for review.
4. We will Changes/additions as required by the client (if any)
5. Lastly, we will hand over the project when the client will be 100% satisfied.
What services can be found in support after creating the website?
Support will be provided up to 1 year after transfer. Which includes:
Any errors found in the developed website will be fixed.
The Website will be updated to the latest version (based on customer demand and software version available).
Any simple edit in the Website
If i don't like the work?
If you are not satisfied with Our work, We will be responsible to change the design or make the new design for you until you will not be satisfied, Without an extra amount.